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Potential therapy against coronavirus (Covid-19) updated

I had my opinion about therapy for Covid-19 that the virus is similar as per structure as to feline coronavirus  and feline coronavirus...

Expensive vs cheap

Donepezil or Davisa 10 mg -expensive treatment for Alzheimer. In the plant world you can find famous Crocus sativus or Saffron (known as...

My thoughts about epilepsy therapy.

In this world many people suffer from epilepsy and take serious drugs with catastrophic side effects. However there is a novel view about...

Acne? Check your lipid profile in blood!

New research was made recently and it was found that the cause of cystic acne can be caused also by increased cholesterol and not only...

Stop Mastopathy, prevent breast cancer.

To have all blood tests done before starting cure is essential. The most important ones : Estradiol, Progesteron, Prolactin, Testosteron,...

Magic Curcumin(Turmeric)

3 gr per day and it is able to stop progression of respiratory tract infection alone and with Lactoferrin 600 mg together. Curcumin with...

Cabinet medical Otopeni cu care colaborez time to time

Strada Polona 25 F Otopeni Cabinet Medic de familie Vlad Viorel Express laborator. EKG, Ecografie abdominala. L-M-V : 8.00 - 13.00 Ma-J :...

Plafarul meu preferat in Otopeni.

Natura Power SRL Otopeni Str Lacul Ursului, NR 10, in incinta pietei agroalimentare · Deschis in fiecare zi 9-19, inclusiv Sambata 9-13

Stop durere! Denas. Stop pain.

Avem un scanner corporal portabil care identifica zonele muscular cele mai dureroase si trateaza durerea acuta in maximum de 20 de minute...

Opreste traheita si bronsita

În cazul afecțiunilor respiratorii, în România întotdeauna se prescrie Pătlagina (Plantago), în siropuri sau sub formă de ceai. Această...

Cel mai bun tratament pentru artrita si spondiloza.

Boswellia (Boswellia serrata). Produsul este preparat din extract de rășină/coajă de arbore ce crește în altă parte decât în România, dar...

Opreste laringita intro zi.

Extractul din muguri de coacăză neagră (Ribus nigrum). Produsul stimulează glandele suprarenale, mărește secreția de corticosteroizi,...

Acne si alte erupții cutanate la adolescenti si adulti

Este foarte important sa aiba in consideratie analize de sange pentru hormoni inainte de inceputul tratamentului. Noi incepem de la o...

For studies and complicated brain storms

Pycnogenol or french pine extract (Pinus maritima). Take 100 mg per day. Improves significantly cognitive abilities, concentration and...

Cel mai buna protectie contra virusi.

Colostrum. Lactoferrin. Lysozyme. Primul lapte care conține toate imunoglobulinele și imunoglobulinele speciale G și A, care sunt o...

Help yourself when doctor is not around but viruses are .

Now is season of respiratory viruses. However our body already has the best device of protection called immune system. In every day life...

About me.

Greetings. My name is Natalia Litvinova. I'm Certified Specialist in herbal medicine and integrative medicine which includes apparatus...

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