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Stop Mastopathy, prevent breast cancer.

Natalia Litvinova

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

To have all blood tests done before starting cure is essential.

The most important ones : Estradiol, Progesteron, Prolactin, Testosteron, LFh.

To understand why such problem appears we have to know simple physiology of life of estrogen.

There are 3 types of estrogen.

Estradiol, estriol and estrone.

Estradiol is a major estrogen for women and produced in ovaries, placenta and adrenal glands. Estriol mostly responsible for pregnancy. Estradiol presents also in male body. As well as estrone, which actually causes all this mess in our bodies. And not even itself but estrone metabolites. Basically it is principle similar with cholesterol "good" HDL and "bad" LDL. Only here is "good" 2- hydroxyestrone or in short 2-OHE and "bad" 16- hydroxyestrone or 16-OHE. So this 16-OHE is responsible for all our problems in breast ,all pains, all cysts, mastodinya, discomfort, mood swings, weight gain, dysmenorrhea all this comes from this metabolite, which can't be utilized properly and cumulating in target tissues such breast, ovary, uterus. On contrary 2-OHE provides protection for our heart, brain and bones. Therefore it is important to increase 2-OHE and to decrease 16-OHE or let say convert it to good one.

It is very possible to do it with well known vegetable called broccoli. It contains significant amount of DIM or diindolilmethane which literally puts all in place. It converts "bad" 16-OHE to good one. As well it stimulates production of 2-OHE.

On the market we can find also another component of broccoli - Indole-3-carbinol. It was believed that it is also provides such effect, however, I3C is only pre-cursor of DIM, which actually does all job. So to get significant results you should have minimum of 100 mg of DIM daily desirable with piperine 5- 20 mg(Black pepper) and Vitamin E 50- 100 mg for better absorption.

For better results you should take 1st month 300 mg of DIM per day. The pain and inflammation in breasts will be decreased significantly as well dispareunia already on 1st week (personal experience) . Then continue with 200 mg for 1 more month and then to continue with 100 mg per day for next 3- 6 months. It is recommended to have 50 mg of DIM for routine daily intake as a prophylactic continuously. DIM prevents not only breast problems, but also cervical and vaginal. Also it plays significant role in prevention of prostate cancer.

It is undergoing studies for a moment about role of DIM in treatment for HPV.

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