I had my opinion about therapy for Covid-19 that
the virus is similar as per structure as to feline coronavirus and feline coronavirus is responding to Itraconazole https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30658691
The study was done in regards to Itraconazole which showed that unfortunately Itraconazole failed to prevent Sars-cov2 ,therefore it only works from feline (cats) coronavirus.
But Lactoferrin ,particulartly bovine lactoferrin from bovine colostrum highly active against coronavirus.
IgY from chicken yolk is active for all types of viruses and particular SARS Co-V and it must be taken to consideration to support immune system in all immune compromised groups (elderly, children, HIV etc).
Simple Licorice is active also for coronavirus.
I think these substances such bovine lactoferrin (apolactoferrin) 1000 mg along with bovine colostrum with IgG >40%- 1000 mg, egg yolk IgY and licorice (in Romania is found combined supplement Igazym) must be given to patient as early as possible to prevent further replication and progression of virus.