Tagetes erecta- very common flower which can be found almost at any garden was known as great source of Lutein the organic pigment (xanthophyll) which belongs to carotenoids and plays vital role in treating and preventing eye disorders, such macular degeneration, cataract, retinopathy and optic disc drussen (anomaly of protein deposits and calcificates which make conglomerate in optic nerve head). Usually daily dosage recommended 5-10 mg . For treatment in short term can be used high dosages 20 mg -40 mg but not more than 1 month since lutein can create crystals in foveal regions as well as yellow deposits in retina. So to take more is not working here. Or it can lead to common situation when you treat one and damaged second. It works perfectly in small dosage and can be found also in spinach, egg yolks, broccoli and other greens (see my other article about vision loss prevention)
Beside the significant improvement of visual acuity Lutein also protects against neuronal death and prevents Alzheimer, improves short and long memory.
But the most splendid discovery for present moment that Lutein from Tagetes erecta petals can treat and prevent cervical and breast cancer and not only that. Cervical carcinoma as well as breast cancer it is a tragedy for many women so this discovery it is basically painless exit from dark tunnel of sufferings.
It inhibits also hepatic adenocarcinoma cells, lung cancer, colon cancer, laryngeal cancer. It acts as hepatoprotective agent too. So not only it decreases tumor size, but it restores hepatic cells too. It does not damage normal cells. So far it is one of the most splendid clinical discovery I heard of.
It has pleasant bonus being antifungal too and equivalent to Amphotericin-B and Fluconazol but more stronger in smallest dosages and against Fluconazol resistant Candida albicans and Aspergillus flavus which do not respond to Azoles.
So basically it is a gift from God to keep your visual acuity and be protected against fatal problems.