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Simple licorice (lemn dulce) is highly active against SARS CoV and novel Covid 19

Natalia Litvinova

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

I advise to have 1 cup of tea twice a day to prevent this infection as well to improve breathing and to decrease mocking cough .

Recent studies shows that Glychirrizin prevents progression and fatal complications as lung injury

Recommended dosage if tea -5 gr (1 tea spoon) on 200 ml infusion  every 8 hours for affected, 200 ml infusion for prophylactic once a day.

Or 300 mg every 8 hrs in capsules if there are respiratory symptoms and 150 mg per day for prophylactic.

In Otopeni is found in plafar inside the market as a tea and Igazym tablets or online

Also Lemn dulce by Hofigal 400 mg every 8 hrs for 5 days with control of blood pressure and potassium is recommended to have 1-2 tab of Panangin per week to avoid low potassium.

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