It is not a secret that our thyroid gland is very sensitive and in the meantime powerful organ. It has lead function and it is let say board computer in our body for all organs and their functions along with brain. However many factors and especially environmental can affect our thyroid so it can start to develop inflammation and some benign lesions. Its can be nodes and cysts.
If not to stop progression of these problems from the beginning it can transform to malignancy, cause failure and fatal consequences including death. Until recent time it was only possible to control it with so called bio hormones which are alike to our own, but it is just temporary and does not remove the cause. But there is a light in this dark tunnel. It was found that simple supplement can regulate the function of thyroid and without side effect to enhance and return it to normal function. It was also found that it will remove or significantly reduce nodes and cysts, prevent malignancy.
My personal experience to have 1 node of 0.8 cm and 1 cyst of 0.5 cm and after 6 months intake of Myo inositol with Selenium 1200 mg per 24 hrs first 3 months and then another 3 months to take 600 mg these were reduced significantly to 0.4 cm and 0.2 cm accordingly and level of TSH was normalized. It is important of course to understand that you have to control Vitamin D and Ca level too, since deficiency of these two causes the dysfunction of thyroid glandula. However high levels of Vitamin D and Ca are bad too. So these two friends must be within normal limits.
Myo Inositol with Selenium brand Zenith has optimal dosage of both and you can find it at any pharmacy or plafar.
It is also found that same supplement can help to gain fertility, to regulate gyno hormones, to help increase oocytes, to improve quality of sperm and prevent diabetes and metabolic syndrome.