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Great results owing all my researches

Natalia Litvinova

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

Most of the times you can read articles and researches and ask yourself if this will ever work.

Well, I can tell you it does. I implemented all my investigations on let say simple people in difficult life situation when they were literally abandoned or "left to palliative (supportive) care" or simply let helpless due to age or lack of knowledge of the doctor.

So today I will share you couple like this stories.

As you already understood I am working in the emergency medical services and people are calling me when they are severely ill. When I come to such patients, first of all I provide them aggressive intensive therapy and saving them from death. Then I refer them to diagnostic and labs and only after scrupulous study of their problem deeply I am prescribing them simple therapy. I can't say that I can treat everything, no, unfortunately not everything and not all the time, but I can significant improve well-being. So first my story is about 82 y.o lady who suffers from plenty things such AF, CHF, HTA and her both a.carotis were "stuffed" 75% plus in addition she started to have cognitive decline or in simple words dementia due to repetitive strokes. Ok, you say -her age is matches dementia.....Well it is stereotype. Match, no match, but there was no reason to refuse her in essential therapy when she started to have seizures. She went to local hospital and as usual without any investigations, without any labs the doctors there simply prescribed her Depakine -Depo in big dosage 500 mg TID *she is small and tiny barely 50 kg bw* and Donepezil and sent her back home, "advising" family that she will die soon ,so they need to prepare coffin and refer to funeral services. I consider such "treatment" outrageous. Really ! How dare they ! Anyway, the lady returned home and started to take this "treatment" and in 7 days she went to a condition, which we (medics) call "vegetable". Sorry if it sounds rude, but it was exactly the state, when person possess only basic instincts. More on when prescribing such serious medications, you should expect follow up, but in our case "doctors" refused to give any phone numbers, saying "it is in vain anyway". So lets continue our story. So one morning the family called me that lady fainted and started to have seizures. When I went there I found her in critical condition -I will not go to details, but she was almost in clinical death. So I brought her to life and then started to ask what is happened with her, because let say just couple of weeks ago she was good enough to sing in choir. Anyhow, you already noticed here something strange, did not you? She was taking medications "to prevent seizures" and anyway went in seizures. Yep. Because its were prescribed wrongly. Because seizures can be due to many causes and not necessarily "epilepsy" which they proudly wrote on her case without even prove it. Anyway. Both medications were contraindicated for her due to her heart problems, but nobody took it to consideration, I am wondering why.....ehhh, it is lack of interest, negligence, malpraxis ,you name it, crime? So I dared to cancel them and sent her to investigations to see what is going on. So she went advanced evaluation and in the meantime I put her on Taurin, Theanine, Glycine, PQQ and Q10, lavender tea and B2. If you read my previous articles, then you know, that Taurin together with Theanine prevents seizures. PQQ +Q10 as well as Taurin,B2 are cardio and neuroprotectors, Glycine is indicated for prevention of cerebral ischemia and lavender tea brings this GABA which nobody else can bring(about it read my article in regards to epilepsy). Because I could not leave her though without any support ,so I put her on amino-acids, which I presumed were low anyway (they were). During all this time she did not have a single attack of seizures. No even one. Her cognitive abilities improved. She got up from the bed and became independent , her family were looking at me like I am St. Lazar at least. Well, I just did my job- it calls basic medicine. We all of us studied anatomy and physiology in medical schools. WE MUST KNOW IT . WE MUST START WITH IT ! WE MUST KNOW PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AS WELL !!! Well, it is lyric. But yes WE MUST ,because this is medicine and not simply to prescribe unknown substance only because it is recommended and advertised. And we MUST TREAT CAUSE AND NOT SYMPTOM!! So in her particular case there was no any findings related to epilepsy or acute psychotic disorder, but it was atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries, so it lead to vasospasm or vasoconstriction and all this was looking like epilepsy, similar convulsions, only that it was not. Anyway taking to consideration heavy anamnesis I sent lady also to her Cardiologist for control and further starts fun, guys, real fun. So if you remember lady had stuffed both arteries 75% left and 65% right and due to her solid age nobody wanted to deal with this. So she went and they found that her carotid plaques significantly (!!!)decreased from 75 to 55 % and from 65 to 35 !!!!!I find it miraculous. I did not expect it, but it was. This improvement is a pleasant bonus for me. Because I was dealing with her neurological problems, and here all of the sudden improved also cardiologic. Her cognitive abilities are improved significantly. But the answer lies in PQQ and Q10 -there are many studies about it. So lady and her family made a decision to continue on my therapy and look for progress. She still takes her main medications for her heart of course, but it passed already 1 year and she is seizure free person.

Some useful articles about it

Second story is about young lady 26.y.o and her "unknown" etiology urticaria.

Here is everything sound pretty common. Urticaria and angioedema of face started suddenly. Patient was going to different doctors without any success. They put her on standard Zyrtek, Montelukast, Hydrocortison and seeing no improvement, proudly put very nice diagnosis Idiopathic Urticaria and Angioedema and left her as is. Let say software as is. Yeee. Hmm. You know when I see such diagnosis, for me it says, that the one who put it is illiterate and far away from medicine. She had basic tests and that's it. They told her it is allergy, but we do not know from what, because all allergy tests were normal and nothing significant or may be minimal traces were found. Then lady decided to continue because she was forced to live with this. She had 300 and more marks all over her body, itchy, she had swollen lip and eye every day and her life was miserable but next "specialist" did not do any other tests, no asked her any additional details, but instead forced her (yes forced her against her will, otherwise she will not be paid sick list !!!)to take course of absolutely useless in her case, expensive and dangerous in the meantime medication Xolair or Omalizumab. Basically this medication decreases immunoglobulins such IgG and IgE in your body as there is a thought (on my opinion idiotic) that all these problems are due to increased levels of ones and they need to be decreased. Here we go. Again. BASIC PHYSIOLOGY AND ROLE OF IMMUNOGLOBULINS IN OUR BODY.

Come on! Really it is pathetic. How can you blame traffic light for car accident. But in her case she received 2 shots of this "miraculous medicament", which was absolutely contraindicated to her. Because her IgE and IgG were decreased already and in this condition Xolair absolutely contraindicated ,because it will lead to catastrophic side effects, I do not say here word cancer, but it is literally brings down immunity, totally and this happened in her case, so her condition not only did not improve, it became worse and in addition she started to have anemia and neutropenia which in our "dark times" it is fatal. So in addition to her problems she received another one- she was now very susceptible to infections and particularly to opportunistic ones (these are catching individuals only if their immune system down). In this condition she met me. I can say she was desperate. She was suffering from 2016 ,she could not sleep nights, she tried all possible and impossible. So I decided to take a look in her case. Without guarantees. Voluntarily.

First of all I asked her "few" questions. I asked her to write me all her life until 2016 black day and after. We talked. Hours and hours. She told me nobody, NOBODY SPOKE TO HER MORE THAN 15 MIN .......

So she wrote me all her story and I noticed interesting detail. All this shit started after contraception pill intake. Yep. Contraception pill. Young lady. For me it immediately brought a ring "bzzz" .I do not know why it did not bring any "bzz" to others my colleagues, well they did not ask her WHAT DID SHE TAKE !!!!!

Also her attacks are appearing during the stress, change of environment, cold and on contrary hot weather. Ничего не напоминает?well it is another "bzz"here very obvious not to be noted.

So we have 2 significant factors here and another one she is not responding to standard therapy for allergic reactions. Because.....BECAUSE IT IS NOT AN ALLERGIC REACTION !!!

Again same story. Negligence. I am tired of this. So I sent her to all tests and particular gyno hormonal tests and enzymes and ask her to provide me history of her family. Who suffered from what. In all medical schools there is a beginning of any 1st or 2nd course about anamnesis or history of patient. I do not know why nowadays nobody gives interest about it. It would solve so many problems. Really.

So from her I found out that all her females family members from many generations were suffering from auto immune and rheumatoid problems. Therefore she fits criteria to be suspected to have so called hereditary angioedema. Condition when due to genetic problems missing one important component (protein) C1 esterase inhibitor, which blocks bradykinine in our body. Bradykinine is responsible for inflammation and pain in our body, but if not properly controlled it can go over its limit and causes fatal problems. Anyhow after careful checking of all her tests and C1EH inclusive I found out that last one is normal but her bradykinine is high and her all gyno tests abnormal. And particularly DHEA and DHEA-S are critically low. This is what happens when doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy for young persons who do not need it. They prescribe without checking elementary hormone levels. Without checking family history. And then synthetic hormones in pill disrupt the natural cycle, so all components of one go in total chaos and more on it starts to affect other territories. In her case it ruined DHEA connections. And it is fatal, because DHEA connected to many processes in our body . Literally it is friend with many and let say boss of many. So because of low levels of DHEA, she started to have also pathological relations between bradykinine ,acethylcholine, serotonine and histamine. Well histamine here plays last role. He is just a how would russians say "козел отпущения" or blaimed victim. I am not opening here America and it was known long time ago, that persons with suspected auto-immune disorders hereditary have absolute contrindication for contraception or hormone replacement therapy, because it triggers the beginning. Person can live ages with her HAO and did not have a clue she has HAO. Let say she could be predisposed. But in her case it was obvious that her cholinergic urticaria and angioedema started due to hormonal dysbalance and following disruption of chain between bradykinine ,acethylcholine, serotonine. There are plenty papers written about them ,so you can read it .I will not go here in details what they do and do not in our body. So obviously simple selective 2nd generation antihistamine did not help her, because it blocks only histamine and in our case it was last piece in this puzzle. Right now she takes Bromelain and Aloe, because both block bradykinine as they contain very important enzyme calls aminopeptidase and 2 more and one of them is ACE, so the cough from BP medications also has roots from this (ACE inhibitors block all kinines,so it is recommended to avoid them and especially to the patients with HAO) , she takes Vitex to regulate all her gyno hormones and particularly FSH and LH to regulate progesterone and estradiol and wild yam to increase the DHEA. And of course wide range medication which blocks all "friends" of this criminal party. Dymenhidrinate . Old and good medication. I can tell you if they gave her this or other 1st generation antihistamine ,which covers all parties, she would not have such dramatic and long term flow of her disease. Of course now she needs to take for sometime (3-6 months) all these components (normal ovulation brew 100 days) and watch out for electrolytes levels, but now she totally got rid of her marks and she did not have anymore face oedema, dangerous condition which is called Quincke oedema. Now she can control her condition and manage it.

If you have similar condition, just insist to your medical doctor to do all (ALL) tests and especially all gyno hormones and enzymes. Do not take any hormones any pills without proper control of your own hormones.

Some articles to read.

In the end I want to add, that sometimes simple steps and good knowledge of our physiology can avoid plenty problems and unnecessary costs. I find it much easier to prevent potential problems then literally to resuscitate the person. There are plenty researches available which my colleagues can use.......Sometimes you just need to add 1 or 2 "pieces of puzzle" to solve the problem. Our body is very smart itself, so all we need to find deficiency or lack and add necessary element and the rest it will be done itself.

The third story it is very short. It is simply my statement. Since this covid 19 started I was using all my mentioned substances in my past posts as a prophylactic, such Bovine Colostrum,Lactoferrin, Zn and Vit.C ,licorice and Ig Y in the way of egg powder and I did not catch Covid 19, even though I contacted "few"patients "positive". Obviously I was wearing mask, which again gives additional protection. But I did not catch any other viruses as well, so it is quite beneficial.

Now I found even more evidences which are proven to protect against coronavirus and others respiratory viruses additional Vitamin D 1000 un during autumn-winter-spring and Melatonine 1 mg at the bedtime. All this is quite interesting and simple and again related to basic physiology.

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