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Aronia,Rose and Black Elderberry help to normalize the weight and cholesterol in blood

Natalia Litvinova

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

We all know how it is important to maintain normal weight and lipid profile in the blood. It is equally bad to be obese and to be cachectic (low weight or nearly skeleton) .Obviously cholesterol it is very important player in our body. Without we will have brain malfunction, hormonal production failure (especially reproduction), D- vitamin deficiency, cardiac - vascular insufficiency (since low cholesterol makes blood vessels to break it can cause hemorrhagic stroke ) and cell damage. From other side high level of cholesterol is also dangerous due to the fact that it will cause clogging of our blood vessels and collateral damage sometimes death. There are many ways how to regulate it. Starting from diet, physical exercises and finishing with aggressive medicines with serious side effects and complications.

The main idea to keep balance between LDL and HDL. LDL -"bad" and HDL - "good". In spite of these nicknames both lipoproteins must present in our blood. But preferably that LDL would be a bit lower than HDL. To make it happen we can use 3 berries and their extracts every day and of course a little bit of exercise, gymnastic and dance. You do not need to "rape" yourself -it is enough to have 10-20 min of exercise or dance but it must be pleasant and the most important it must be every day in combination with Aronia melanocarpa (Black chokeberry) 100 gr of berries or 1200 mg as an extract , Rosa canina or Cynosbati fructus (Rose hip fruit {Macese in romana]) 40 gr or 1000 mg of extract and Sambucus nigra (Black elderberry{Soc in romana}) even in small dosage 50 ml of fruit juice or 400 mg of extract will significantly reduce total cholesterol ,LDL and increase HDL within 1 month of intake.

Rosa canina has also ability to decrease visceral fat and especially together with exercises, which is pleasant bonus since it is usually a hassle within 6 weeks of intake.

Besides this main effect, all three berries have anti-inflammatory effect, cardio, hepatoprotective ,neuroprotective. Black elderberry has pronounced virucidal effect especially for Influenza, coronavirus and herpes family.

Aronia has pronounced anti-aging effects.

Studies :

Aronia melanocarpa

Rosa canina

Sambucus nigra

You can find all 3 berries (extracts, dry fruits, juices) in all pharmacies, plafars, supermarkets. Aronia you can buy in Romania directly from manufacturer

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